
10 Warning Signs: How to Spot a Toxic Work Environment and Take Control of Your Career

Hey! Are you feeling drained, demoralized, or constantly stressed at work? It could be more than just the regular challenges of your job. It's crucial to recognize the signs of a toxic work environment, as they can have a detrimental impact on your overall well-being and career growth. In this blog post, we will explore the ten warning signs that indicate a toxic work environment and provide you with valuable insights on how to spot them. By becoming aware of these signs, you can take control of your career and make informed decisions to prioritize your mental health and professional success. So, let's dive in and equip ourselves with the knowledge to identify and tackle toxicity head-on. Identifying whether a work environment is toxic can sometimes be challenging, as toxicity can manifest in various ways. However, here are some common signs that may help in spotting a toxic workplace: 1. Negative communication: Constant criticism, belittling, or demeaning language is prevalen...


ROSE MILK CAKE: If you're looking for any special recipe to satiate your palate and to surprise your brothers with some yumzie recipe and to garner compliments without fishing for it then why not try baking an eggless Rose milk cake? Here we go:- Baking time: 30-40 minutes Preparation time: 5 minutes Garnishing/Decoration: 5 minutes FOR BATTER Ingredients required: Curd - 1 Cup Baking Soda - 1/2 Tea spoon Vegetable Oil - 1/2 Cup Powdered/Castor Sugar - 3/4 Cup  Rooh Afza - 1 Table spoon Rose essence - 1/2 Tea spoon (optional either essence or Rooh Afza is needed) Method:  Take a big bowl. Add 1 cup full of curd and add half tea spoon of baking soda to it. Mix it well and leave it aside for 5 minutes.  After 5 minutes, stir curd with a spoon and you can see tiny bubbles forming in your soda mixed curd. That's when we have to add 1/2 a cup of vegetable oil,  3/4th cup of super fine sugar and 1 table spoon of Rooh Afza (I've used 1/2 teaspoon of ...


               REKINDLING OLD MEMORIES OF NATIONAL CADET CORPS   Ever since I was a child, I wanted to be a part of RDC Contingent marching on Rajpath. This desire was imbibed in me owing to live telecast of the Republic Day Celebrations on DD National Channel. Back then, it all felt like a dream. Fast forward twelve years, I joined Bhavanā€™s New Science College for an undergraduate programme where I came across Lieutenant Commander JaganMohan Sidda (ANO Sir). He enlightened me on selection procedure and joining formalities with which I successfully joined 1T Naval Unit, National Cadet Corps of AP&T directorate. Then the parades began and so the learnings!                              With A.N.O Sir Lt. Cmdr. Dr. Jagan Mohan Sidda   Shortly, after completing first month in National Cadet Corps, I couldnā€™t attend parades for next month due to my dis...


RAVAN Do you know he was named as Ravan by Lord Shiva? Can we humans really erase Ravan's name and his existence just by burning his effigy? Can the name that has been given by Mahadev efface so soon? Here, in this blog-post, I'll be sharing about 5 astonishing facts of Ravan and his top 3 secrets/words of wisdom! (If you're in hurry, you can skip facts but do glance through 3 Secrets of Ravan mentioned below & you can thank me in comment section for this:p) FIVE FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT RAVAN: 1. He was grandson of Lord Bramha and was half-brother of Kuber. His birth name was Dashagriv and Dashanan but he was named Ravan by Lord Shiva. (Ravan means loud voice in Sanskrit) 2.  He wasn't just a splendid warrior but was also a Great Poet, Scholar of Vedas, Master of Sciences and Ayurveda, Great at Astrology, Music Maestro and  Stupendous at Statecraft. He was so much into music that he had invented several music instruments using a part of his h...


Happy Dussehra Quotes and Wishes Happy Dussehra Everyone! To save you from last minute hassles of framing good Dussehra wishes and quotes, I have come up with this blog-post! This post comprises categorical wishes for Parents, Family, Siblings, Cousins, Besties, Friends, Colleagues and Acquaintance in English, Hindi and Telugu! I have got you all covered;) (If you're in hurry and are looking for wishing some specific person, you can straightaway jump to categorical headings but don't miss on checking out wishes for siblings. It will, for sure, make you chortle!) Happy Dussehra Wishes for Parents You can take place of everyone in my life but no one can ever take place of you! Thank you for bringing me up in this beautiful world and for making me learn moral virtues! Wish you a very very Happy Dussehra!!! I am so lucky to have you as my teacher, my cheerleader, my rock and my bestest friends! May this Dussehra brings you lot of happiness and may all your trouble and g...


WE WERE TALKING ABOUT IPL AND THIS HAPPENED... My friends and I were talking about Cricketers and suddenly a thought has struck me! "No matter how great you are at something, if you aren't consistent or if you aren't evolving then your relevance is short-lived!" During our conversation about Cricket we all started talking about how much we enjoy watching their swift actions on pitch and while we all were engrossed in visualizing our favourite cricketers' moves, we starting naming our favourite players.  A few named Rohit, a few Virat, a few Maahi, a few Bumrah and a few others! It was then when I realized that something was odd! Someone's name has escaped from our list of faves!! Sachin!!!!! Despite being called as "God of Cricket", he wasn't on our list!  None of us mentioned Sachin and this made me wonder, why we haven't had him at our first thought even when we all respect him a lot and are very well aware of the fa...


HOW TO PREPARE AND EXCEL IN YOUR EXAMS Hello Everyone!! I hope this blog finds you all in the right time! If you are worried about your exams and preparation strategies, then worry no more!  In this post, you're going to know about how to prepare well for your upcoming exams, form a strategy and execute it well. I'll be sharing a few hacks and a couple of tricks that will definitely help you to improve your preparation during these stressful times. If you are in hurry or if you want to quickly go through the hacks then skip the next 3 paragraphs! Many of the students of class 1- 9 and of 10th and 12th of few states are super happy that they have been directly promoted to the next class, but many of the students who are at their career deciding point, such as those of undergrads and masters' are very stressed under such circumstances. In fact, students who are appearing for boards or for entrance exams are in severe dilemma as they lack proper preparation structure. The news...


IRRFAN KHAN  It was 12 in the noon And my phone ringed, My friend told me, About a gut-wrenching thing. My fingers on the chrome started to ran, For that I am his one huge fan! I was hoping for it to turn out either as a rumour or as a lie, But Google has showed that the actor has bid world his goodbye. I had, for a few minutes, watery-eyes. I could only see him in the starry sky!! He has battled with all his strength and all of his might. He has honoured our Nation and he is our country's pride! I wish for his people's pain to ease, And for his soul to rest in peace!! He has hit bull's eye in a single stroke, He has astonished all the NSD folks! He then chose to shine on screens, small and big, He has surprised people with small screen's Badrinath gig! SALAAM BOMBAY garnered him with lots of accolades and rewards, His very first film was nominated for the prestigious ACADEMY AWARDS! The...


MOUTH-WATERING MANGO CAKE MAKE AN EGGLESS MANGO CAKE WITHOUT OVEN AT HOME Hello Friends, It is lockdown time and most of us are spending a lot of time experimenting in kitchen. I baked a mango cake recently and I am going to share its recipe in this blog-post. MANGO Summers are up and so is the mango season! Mangoes are everyones' favourite and are hence, righteously called as KING OF FRUITS. Mangoes add the sweet memories of summers in our life's annual chapters! Just the name of it, is so mouth-wateringly tempting! It's not only a word but also a feeling! The mesmerisingly sweet emotion that we all can relate to! So, let's begin with the recipe of our yummy Mango Cake! MOUTH-WATERING MANGO CAKE: Preparation time : 15 Minutes (Including frosting, glazing) Baking time : 22-25 Minutes INGREDIENTS: MANGOES - Two big sized sweet-mangoes. SUGAR - 3/4 Cup WATER - 1 + 1/2 Cups MILK - 1/2 Cup COOKING OIL - 1/2 Cup ALL PURPOSE FLOUR (MA...


SASSY HYDERABADI SLANG HUM AISEICH BOLTE! (WE WILL TALK JUST LIKE THAT) Hey everyone!  Ramadan is about to begin soon and I personally enjoy one full month of this festival a lot because I am a Hyderabadi! So, that's why I wanted to write something that would depict the essence of Hyderabad. And to do that, I have decided to write about it's lingo(language/dialect). Ever heard of a language and found it funny, sassy and cute at the same time? Well, Hyderabadi slang(old city slang) is one such language. Being a Hyderabadi we get used to speaking and understanding multiple languages like telugu, urdu, hindi and pakka Hyderabadi slang. Urdu is a little different from Hyderabadi slang lanuage. Urdu holds a great poetic charm and is a very respectful language. Whereas, the Hyderabadi slang is a blend of hindi and Urdu with some modifications that make it sound extremely sassy, funny, cheerful and cool at the same time! In this blog-post, we are going to ...


GUIDE TO PRODUCTIVE AND HAPPY   LOCKDOWN EXTENSION Hello Everyone! Having a trouble dealing with lockdown? Annoyed by the news of possible lockdown extension?  Chillax! You're at the right place. This blog post will take you through a lot of ideas that will make your lockdown extension fun and productive! This lockdown can legit change your life. It can make your life, the way you always wanted it to be! Hence, it's kind of a treat to us! Firstly, let us understand why the extension of lockdown is necessary, because few people are still not aware of why lockdown needs to be extended!  The answer to this is, we all know that cases of positively reported corona virus in India has crossed a 7000 mark. Hence, it is very much essential for us to prevent the chances of contracting virus by being at home, following social distancing, sanitizing at regular intervals. Now, jumping back to our topic, here are the few things that you can try during this...


5 SECRETS TO SUCCESS Have you ever wondered? Why do successful people always seem to be happy? Is it because of their Success? Because they have achieved everything that they have ever wanted? Is it even possible for a human to ever stop wanting? Even if a human gets everything that he wants, he would still wish for more! That's how our brain functions!  So how is it that successful people always look content and happy? The answer to this question doesn't lie in their success. Rather, it lies in the process. It lies in the process followed by them to become successful and while undergoing through that process, they just learn, practice and inculcate few principles as a part of their personality. It is because of those principles, that they become successful. Those principles/traits are what we are going to discuss about in this post. After my research on many successful people, I have observed few common traits in them. I am trying to incorporate these ...


7 UNCOMMON THINGS     Have you ever felt like you have some strange powers? Or maybe some magical powers? Or maybe that it had occured many a times to you, that you don't treat it uncommon anymore?      In today's blog-post, I am going to write about 7 uncommon things that occur to me many a times and also I am pretty sure that all these or atleast one among these has happened to you as well!      Now, before you judge me, let me tell you that I am a science student myself! Few of the below mentioned points aren't scientifically or theoretically justified. But I do believe in a world beyond the reach of Science as well! So, here is the list of those " 7 UNCOMMON THINGS"  that happens to me! 1.  HIGHER LEVELS OF INTUITION : If you have ever known, who is calling on the phone before picking up, who a text is from before it chimes through, or if you have ever predicted an event before it has occurred, then you have a hi...