RAVAN Do you know he was named as Ravan by Lord Shiva? Can we humans really erase Ravan's name and his existence just by burning his effigy? Can the name that has been given by Mahadev efface so soon? Here, in this blog-post, I'll be sharing about 5 astonishing facts of Ravan and his top 3 secrets/words of wisdom! (If you're in hurry, you can skip facts but do glance through 3 Secrets of Ravan mentioned below & you can thank me in comment section for this:p) FIVE FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT RAVAN: 1. He was grandson of Lord Bramha and was half-brother of Kuber. His birth name was Dashagriv and Dashanan but he was named Ravan by Lord Shiva. (Ravan means loud voice in Sanskrit) 2. He wasn't just a splendid warrior but was also a Great Poet, Scholar of Vedas, Master of Sciences and Ayurveda, Great at Astrology, Music Maestro and Stupendous at Statecraft. He was so much into music that he had invented several music instruments using a part of his h...