ROSE MILK CAKE: If you're looking for any special recipe to satiate your palate and to surprise your brothers with some yumzie recipe and to garner compliments without fishing for it then why not try baking an eggless Rose milk cake? Here we go:- Baking time: 30-40 minutes Preparation time: 5 minutes Garnishing/Decoration: 5 minutes FOR BATTER Ingredients required: Curd - 1 Cup Baking Soda - 1/2 Tea spoon Vegetable Oil - 1/2 Cup Powdered/Castor Sugar - 3/4 Cup Rooh Afza - 1 Table spoon Rose essence - 1/2 Tea spoon (optional either essence or Rooh Afza is needed) Method: Take a big bowl. Add 1 cup full of curd and add half tea spoon of baking soda to it. Mix it well and leave it aside for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, stir curd with a spoon and you can see tiny bubbles forming in your soda mixed curd. That's when we have to add 1/2 a cup of vegetable oil, 3/4th cup of super fine sugar and 1 table spoon of Rooh Afza (I've used 1/2 teaspoon of ...